(Grades 6-8)

Friday: 10:00–10:55

Teacher: Miss Brianna Anderson

Description: Students will learn how to use vocabulary, verbs, and grammar concepts together. The material is taught through fun themes that incorporate everyday language. This allows students to use all those elements together in creative ways to grow and build language fluency. We will use a different theme this coming year. The new theme will be Mi Vida. It is perfect for both experienced and inexperienced students. The experienced students will continue to progress while the new students are seamlessly integrated. Order the book early to ensure having it for the first class.

Class and Copy Cost: $250

Books:  Mi vida: Order the 7th/8th-grade book at the following link: https://spanish-for-you.com/product/spanish-for-you-mi-vida-homeschool-co-op-student-package/ ($49.95) Use the coupon code “GraceMivida78” for 10% off the cost. Siblings may share the package.

Supplies: 1” 3-ring binder and folder; loose leaf paper (approx. 20 pages) or notebook; access to Google Classroom with parent or student gmail

Prerequisite: None