Available courses

The Art of Watercolor (Grades 6–12)

Thursday 9:00–10:55

Teacher: Colin Mead

Description: (Many students take this class for more than one year. Intended for beginners and more advanced artists).

We as humans have difficulty letting go of control in our lives. Many of us have been taught to let go and let God take control, but to actually do that is very hard. We want to take action to make the  situation work out in our favor. Many times, by doing so, we just make the situation worse.

The same could be said for watercolor painting; the more we try to control the way the paint flows on the paper, the more overworked and stiff it begins to look. Even though we can learn many tricks and techniques to make ourselves better watercolor painters, sometimes we just have to let go and let the paint do what it will. Often, beautiful spontaneous results will happen. We call these “happy accidents” in watercolor painting. Just like when we pray to God for a certain outcome and our prayers are answered but in a completely different and beautiful way, so too, watercolor painting is a balance between control and letting go.

In an attempt to “master” watercolor painting, we will learn many important things that make it a such unique medium. Proper materials, tricks and techniques, color theory, composition and pre-planning a painting will all be covered in this class. Watercolor painting can be frustrating at times, but it can also be the source of great excitement and satisfaction. We will enjoy the experience! There is a $30 material fee included in the cost of this class.

Class and Material Cost: $540


    • Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolor 5ml Tube:
      • Burnt Sienna (#00384)French Ultramarine (#00426)
      • New Gamboge (#00456)
      • Permanent Alizarin Crimson (#47061)
      • Permanent Rose (#00470)
      • Scarlet Lake (#00494)
      • Winsor Blue Green Shade (#47075)
      • Winsor Green Blue Shade (#47077)
      • Winsor Lemon (#47079)
    • Princeton Velvetouch Series 3950 Synthetic Blend Brush:
      • #4 Round (V22660)
      • #8 Round (V22662)
      • 3/4″ Wash (V22667)
    • Additional Item:
      • Creative Mark Folding Plastic Palette (#13461)

Supply Note:

All of these items are from jerrysartarama.com. This is the least expensive, most reliable supplier I have found over the years. Orders over $59, which this is, get free shipping.  Cheap Joe’s is comparable but the shipping isn’t free. Blick Art Materials is more expensive. Michael’s or Hobby Lobby are far more expensive! 

This list is very specific — there is a reason for getting these colors of paint and this brand which will be taught in class. Other brands of professional grade paint are as good, if not, arguably better, but the pigments used in the listed colors are all known to be archival, which means they will not fade.

No Prerequisite Required

Fine Arts Credit

Algebra I builds on the concepts introduced in Pre-Algebra and includes lessons to solve systems of equations in two variables, solving complex rational and radical expressions, functions, graphing linear equations, factoring algebraic expressions, and introduction to 3-dimensional geometric figures.  

Teacher: Terri Veen
Class Cost: $430
Book: Saxon Algebra 2 (3rd Edition) Student Text and Solutions Manual
Supplies: Scientific Calculator and 3-Ring Binder
Math Credit
Prerequisite: Algebra I. It is highly recommended that the Saxon placement test be taken to determine whether your students is ready for Algebra II. https://learningthings.com/content/SAX_Algebra-2.pdf
Your student should get 85 percent or about 42 questions correct to be ready for Algebra II.

This one-year course will help students develop an appreciation for the diversity of organisms on Earth. Students will learn how to classify organisms and will compare and contrast the organ systems of several types of animal bodies through study and dissection. We will also compare these animal systems to the parallel human system and thus learn about the human body.

This is a Christ-centered college-prep biology course that provides a foundation that will help students to understand the biological concepts they will come into contact with in their daily lives. I seek to make biology real by integrating such topics as the development of the “teen” brain, why enzymes are in detergent, how your body protects you from cancer and Ebola into the curriculum. Emphasis is put on a molecular approach and a thorough understanding of cell biology. I believe this approach helps to reveal the intricate majesty of God’s Creation .The sequencing of my curriculum is designed to step by step build a foundational lens through which the student will be able to not only understand but interrelate all the various aspects of biology. Units include: Your Brain and How You Use It, Scientific Method, Classification, Biochemistry, Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis, Ecology, Cells and Cell Division, Genetics, and Disease. Students will also learn how to write a scientific paper.


Our chemistry course is designed to give you a solid foundation in chemistry, in order to prepare you for a college-level science classes or any field of study that will require problem solving and reasoning.  Throughout this year we will explore how chemical processes impact our everyday life and the importance of these reactions in the world around us. Chemistry is everywhere!  You literally eat, sleep and breathe chemistry everyday already. The course covers significant figures, classification of matter, the mole concept, stoichiometry, the periodic table, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, solutions, atomic structure, Lewis structures, the gas laws and equilibrium.

This class is 2 hours long and will last the full year.  By combining both lecture, demos and weekly labs, we will create an interactive experience for everyone.  The lab portion of the class will give you hands-on experience in handling basic lab equipment and chemicals along with strengthening your analytical skills.  The scientific method and the experimental process will be used to help students explore God's amazing world at a level that you may not have considered before.  At the very basic unit of creation, the atom, you can observe God's divine plan and wisdom.  He truly is an awesome God!  My hope for each student is that you may walk away with further awareness of God's perfect design for creation and be able to share how scientific study gives evidence to God's plan time after time.

The students will be studying one amazing city each week. For example: In Paris we will learn about the Eiffel Tower, the catacombs, the Louvre, Notre Dame, and much more. In Washington DC we will study the monuments and all of the famous locations to be found there. Every city is filled with wonderful things to discover and learn!!!! Homework will take approximately 1 hour per week (10 minutes per day).

Everyone loves a good story and with a little practice, anyone can learn to write one. God has given each of us the gift of language, and each of us has our own unique way of expressing ourselves. Let us learn together, how to perfect our writing, so others will enjoy what we have to tell them. In this course, we will be concentrating on what constitutes a good story, how to use what we already know to create that story, and how to polish our writing, so it will sparkle and delight the reader or listener. Each month, we'll explore a different type of writing and discuss such topics as how to grab the reader's attention, logical progression in writing, and wrapping up a good, tight story line, so readers will want to open up our "gift" again and again. Join us!

What is it about certain writers that makes them so much fun to read? Often, the way a writer uses language attracts us more than the topic he or she writes about. It's almost as if we prefer the "flavor" of certain books more than others. God has given each of us unique insights and developing our writing skills enables us to use our language artistically and pass those insights on to others in ways that will inform, inspire, and delight them. Every six to eight weeks, we'll explore a new type of writing, take a look at successful authors in that genre, and learn the ins and outs of creating our own version of it. Class discussions will include such topics as making characters three-dimensional and scenes and scenery believable, telling the truth with fiction, editing, and polishing our writing till it shines, and more.

Dramatic Arts and Exploring Theatre

(Grades 6–8) Thursday 2:45–3:40
Teacher: Stephanie Green

(Grades 9–12) Thursday 2:45–3:40
Teacher: Josh Greer

Description: This high-energy course explores acting styles and techniques through sketches, improv, and formal performance. Through discussion, presentation, and hands-on activities, students strengthen their acting and public speaking skills. While creating scenes and studying theatre’s historical development, students recognize the artistry of our Creator and the call to use performance to point others to Him.

This year, we are offering middle school and high school level drama classes. Each class will highlight the fundamentals of dramatization along with working intensively on a full production. There will be try-outs for parts and a minimum number of students will be required to enroll in this class. When the students are not working on their production, they may be writing and practicing short scripts and playing many games that teach and improve acting skills.

Both classes will be offered during the last hour on Thursdays so that practice times can be extended as needed as production time gets closer. Costumes and props will all be provided by actors and families helping to find free supplies.

Grades 6–8 will perform a large production in December while students in grades 9–12 will have a short performance. A longer performance will be performed by high school students in May 2025, while the middle schoolers will have a short performance. All students will have a role in performances.  A $30 fee is included in this class to pay for the license, scripts, and audio equipment for the play.

Class and Material Cost: $285

General Science (Grades 7–8)

Thursday 2:15–3:40
Friday 2:15–3:40

Teacher: Deb Iwema

Description: This class provides a wonderful overview of the entire range of scientific inquiry and a superb introduction to the world of science in general and some of the specific sciences that students will explore for years to come. Topics include a brief history of science; the scientific method; how to analyze and interpret experiments; the distinction between science, applied science, and technology; astronomy; geology and paleontology; (the five-kingdom system); marine life; and ecology. The authors of the text do nothing to hide their Christian viewpoint and, indeed, seek to use the scientific evidence to advance a student’s faith in the Bible and a Christian worldview. The course includes lots of hands-on experiments. There is a $30 material fee included in the cost of this class.

Class and Material Cost: $413

Book: Apologia, Exploring Creation with General Science 3rd Edition by Sherri Seligson, ISBN 10: 1946506273, can be found used on Amazon.

Prerequisite and Knowledge: Students should have an understanding of multiplication and long division, as well as measurement systems.

  Grades 9 - 12


This course is designed to help students master the basic elements of English grammar and usage through identifying parts of speech and their place in a sentence, practice exercises, writing and vocabulary development. Students will write various paragraphs throughout the year and one short research paper toward the end of the year. 

Is your child interested in pursuing something in the medical or para-medical profession in the future and desires to get a taste of some of the skills needed? Do you have a middle or high school child who wants to work in your church nursery, babysit, or be a nanny but must be CPR and First Aid Certified before he or she may do so? If so, this might be the class you are looking for.

The first part of the year will be spent on investigating other portions of human health including: communicable diseases, drug and alcohol abuse, nutrition, eating disorders, exercise, fetal development, and general adolescent physical changes.

The second part of the year, students passing both skills and written tests will become American Red Cross certified for Lay Responder CPR/AED for Adults/Children/Infants and First Aid. This is basic certification, with a standard two-year expiration, allowing the students to be competent in lower level emergency care.

Parents should know their child’s level of social maturity as to whether they are ready for this class.

Introduction to Chemistry and Physics(Grades 6–8)

Thursday 12:45–2:10
Friday 12:45–2:10

Teacher: Deb Iwema

Description: Introduce your children to the fascinating world of chemistry and physics! The activities and projects in this course are sure to delight and inspire young minds. Students will begin by exploring the basic building blocks of creation— atoms and molecules, and then journey through simple chemicals, the laws of motion, and energy in its many forms, before discovering concepts of electricity and magnetism. Along the way your students will make a bouncy ball, formulate a smoke bomb, build a solar oven, construct a working periscope, fashion a miniature motor, and create a lava lamp! All the while, God will be glorified as the Master Designer of all that they are discovering about the world and how it works. This exciting course will give your students love for learning and confidence in science that will carry them through the school years and beyond. It is an engaging way to teach students just how God made everything in the universe. There is a $30 material fee included in the cost of this class.

Class and Material Cost: $413

Book: Apologia, Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics (1st Edition) by Jeannie Fulbright, ISBN 10:1935495984, can be found used on Amazon.

No Prerequisite Required

Science and Lab Credit

This course is an overview of digital media technology used in publication design, digital drawings, and digital imaging. History of design as well as various approaches to design are examined through the lens of Christianity. There will be an emphasis on exploring and becoming familiar with graphic design software, including Adobe suite. Access to a personal laptop is strongly recommended, but not required.

This class uses classic short stories to present techniques, vocabulary, and practice to develop literary perception. We will further apply these learned elements by reading, discussing, and writing about some novels, non-fiction, and poetry. Enrolled students will receive a list of additional books to be purchased or obtained from the library. This class is designed to be advantageous for the college-bound student.

Painting is a delight no matter what media you choose—watercolor or oil. As we paint, we learn about composition, value, color, temperature, and drawing. Our studio class will have you painting successful pictures right away. Come join the fun!

All painting supplies will be provided except those items listed above. Supplies can be found at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, T-Square, or Blick Studio at 1-800-828-4548 (for a free catalog) or www.dickblick.com

There is a $20 material fee included in the cost of this class.

This course is designed to introduce teens to the world of personal finance through textbook instruction, online articles and videos, interactive exercises, and more. Students are encouraged to immediately apply some of the concepts they learn and are introduced to other financial topics which will become a part of their lives in just a few short years. Included in each chapter is a focus on God-honoring attitudes and practices. Additionally, parents are given the opportunity to share their knowledge, experience, and tips on financial matters via numerous assignments throughout the book. Students will learn to use Google Sheets as a tool for calculations and to create, update, and modify spreadsheets and share the data online in real-time. 

Make great use of your digital camera! From mundane to extraordinary, learn skills to be a great photographer. We’ll study values of natural light and get to know historical pioneers of photography. In this age of smart phones and filters, you can produce quality and meaningful images in the first “take”.

This course will emphasize building a Christian attitude towards sportsmanship, teamwork, and fitness. It will focus on lifetime fitness awareness by engaging in the Presidential Fitness Program. In this class, we expand on skills and basic rules of both team and individual sports. This class is designed for all students, regardless of athletic ability. Students should wear appropriate athletic apparel such as shorts, sweats, T-shirts, and tennis shoes. Students will have 5 minutes at the beginning and end of class to change their clothes in the bathroom.

Physical Science lays a firm foundation for future studies in chemistry and physics. Each class will consist of hands-on exploration, including labs, experiments, projects, and discussions.

This physics course is designed for the student who has completed algebra and has had an introduction to the definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent. It provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general physics through a biblical worldview. Heavily emphasizing vector analysis, this class provides the student with a strong background in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion, Newton's laws and their application, gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, electrostatics, electrodynamics, electrical circuits, and magnetism. Your student will come out of this class with an even stronger knowledge of math and physics as it relates to God’s creation. They will be well prepared for continuing in College Physics after completing this fun and gratifying class that includes both lecture and lab.

Psychology (Grades 9–12)

Teacher: Laura Marsman

Description: This course will be offered as an “in person” OR online version and will introduce students to an overview of the many concepts involved in psychology from a Christian perspective. This will be a year-long course, college prep (or possibly AP if needed) for 1 social science high school credit. There will be weekly homework, quarterly tests, enrichment activities, and relevant projects throughout the year. This is a course that not only gives students life preparation skills and self-awareness, but hopefully an awe of God’s creation of the human brain and mind. The class explores the science of human behavior and thinking, recognizing the complexity of how God created the human mind and the differences that He creates in each of us.  

Course Description

This is an introductory course with the goal to introduce you to the techniques of debate and argument.  We live in a world that is more divided than ever.  How are we to engage in these conversations in light of the volatile, angry, frustrated and overwhelmed situation we are in? What are we to do when even believers disagree about some of the most fundamental questions the world is facing? As Christians, we are called to be ambassadors of Christ in in the public, private and digital realms God has placed us in.  
This class will...
  • Equip you to identify faulty arguments, fallacies and falsities in whatever situation you find yourself.  
  • Encourage you as you develop your own ability to enter these conversations with love, mercy and respect as you gain and keep a hearing with other people made in the image of God.  
  • Strengthen your ability to research, listen, engage, and make your case with those with whom you may radically disagree while holding firm to the truth and reality of the Scripture.
  • Increase your recognition of the ways in which arguments, both others and your own, need to be more fully shaped by the Christian worldview.
  • Understand the way that the world shapes the worldview and mindset of those with whom you engage (as well as your own) and how to avoid the pitfalls, misunderstandings and stalemates that can occur.
  • Build courage, resilience, compassion and confidence in having tough conversations on emotionally and spiritually charged issues.


Semester 1: 


The Art of Argument Revised Student Edition 

Paperback – January 1, 2022 by DA Aaron Larsen (Author), MAT Joelle Hodge (Author), PhD Christopher Perrin (Author)

Semester 2:

End the Stalemate: Move Past Cancel Culture to Meaningful Conversations 
Paperback – June 18, 2024 by Sean McDowell (Author), Tim Muehlhoff (Author), Justin Brierley (Foreword)

Most people dread speaking in front of an audience. This class will give your student the necessary skills and confidence needed to be able to deliver a speech to a group. Basic speech mechanics, gathering of information, a brief review of speech writing, and a variety of speech formats will be covered in the course. A power point presentation is also included as one type of speech we will be giving. They will need a flash drive for this presentation. Students will be given ample opportunities to present prepared and impromptu speeches in front of the class. The skills learned will benefit anyone who seeks to glorify God through speech.

The idea of this class (and all three history classes in rotation for 3–5 graders) is for students to have a solid overview of American history before they enter middle school. We will not go in depth on any topic but instead learn about one event or person each week as we build a timeline from the time of the colonists to the events of the Civil War and Westward Expansion. Your child will gain a solid understanding of the events that took place and the people that influenced our country during this time. There will be little homework as we will learn about our topic in class and then have a hands-on activity to help solidify understanding and retention. A syllabus with all topics will be sent home at the beginning of the year, so that parents can add further learning at home as desired on each topic as it is taught.

Description: “His Story” is meant to be a dialogue, a discovery of the relationships between God and man, man and man, and the creation and mankind. We will investigate specific details of Ancient History through the Renaissance. Students will study Ancient Greek and Roman times: the Battle of Marathon, the conquests of Alexander the Great, Socrates, Cleopatra and Anthony, Gladiators, the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Sack of Constantinople; Medieval and Renaissance: the Barbarians Rule, the Vikings, the Dark Ages, Invasion of England, everyday life in the 1100s Europe, the Black Death, Thomas Becket, Richard the Lionheart, the Crusades, Michelangelo, Leonardo DaVinci, the Inquisition, Columbus, Queen Mary, and much more (300BC–AD1600). ***This class is on a three-year rotation with Top Ten U.S. History and Exploring Non-Western History.  

Writing Based on Ancient History

Thursday 11:00–11:55
Friday 11:00–11:55

Teacher: Deb Iwema

Description: Using Ancient History as the theme, students will learn how to create and write from outlines while adding style techniques to express their ideas creatively. Writing assignments will include paragraphs, short stories, and writing from pictures. Topics will explore the wonders of the ancient world and the civilizations of Sumer, Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Greece, Rome, Asia Minor, and Asia—the people’s ideas, traditions, systems of government, feats, and wonderful skills. Acquiring facts about the ancient world while learning to write well has never been so enjoyable!  ***This class is on a three-year rotation with WritingAll Things Fun and Fascinating and WritingFables, Myths, and Fairy Tales.

Class Cost: $255


    • Institute for Excellence in Writing: Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons (6th Edition)    
    • Student Resource Packet: Free download with purchase of student book or buy the Student Resource/Binder Package

Supplies: Notebook or three ring binder to keep paper and writing assignments organized.

Prerequisite: A solid understanding of parts of speech and ability to compose a complete sentence.

Writing Based on Medieval History
Grades 5–8


Thursday 9:00–9:55
Friday 9:00–9:55

Teacher: Joanna Schout
Class Cost: $230
  1. Institute for Excellence in Writing: Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons, 5th Edition
  2. Student Resource Packet: Free download with purchase of student book or buy the binder package. https://iew.com/shop/products/student-resource-package-packet-and-binder

The main focus of the yearbook class is on design skills that will lay a foundation for the creation of a yearbook. Production of the yearbook will be the sole task of this class and will be offered for sale to GRACE families. The Yearbook teacher makes every effort to get each child’s photo in the yearbook. Yearbook students will receive a free yearbook. Enthusiasm, class participation, attention to detail, and the ability to learn yearbook software is required. There will be homework assignments, photos to take, deadlines to meet, and pages to layout. Communication skills and teamwork will be essential. It is going to be fun! Join us! ***Each Yearbook student will receive a free yearbook.

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